Online Learning Platform: Children's learning

Aspects of children's learning

Exploratory Behaviour

Figuring things out is one of the things that most children are good at, if left to their own devices.  That could lead us to question what we do and how we do it when it comes to individual instrumental lessons.

Through his research and educational programme - Self Online Learning Environment (SOLE) - Sugata Mitra demonstrates the power of children's curiosity and their capacity to learn from each other in group situations: 

How is this relevant to instrumental lessons?

The stimulus of social interaction is hugely influential in the educational setting seen in this talk. That cannot be transferred literally into one to one learning situations, although the aspects of curiosity which precede the process of exploration can still be tapped into if we, as teachers, manage the task and gear it towards the individual child.

Check out this link for further thoughts and ideas on how to engage children in online learning:

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