What are people saying about E-MusicMaestro? RSS

Learning / 15/06/2016
What are people saying about E-MusicMaestro?

The aural website has been a real benefit to my son, as the teacher has been noticing ...

My son uses E-MusicMaestro Trinity Aural Grade 6. He was struggling at the start before using it, so I placed him on the program after the recommendation of his teacher. After less than a month usage he is now getting 90 - 100% correct and uses it 2 - 3 pieces daily (only takes him 20 to 30 mins daily). His teacher was so impressed. The regular usage has helped him a lot as it is ongoing practice regularly. We will definitely use it again for Grade 7 and 8.

Thank you E-MusicMaestro for helping him and we are so glad we found you.

Stephen Chung

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